Friday, January 26, 2007

Networking with the Web Heads

So as head of this here operation, I have to get the word out. I gotta do a little leg work, kiss a lotta babies. And let's face it. I'm not great at the whole networking thing.

So tonight I got myself out there - printed up some crappy Kinko's cards to hand out and went to the SF Beta Web 2.0 Mixer Meetup. Things went surprising well.

First off, I've named the site. So I didn't have to be all awkward saying, well it's gonna be this great site, but it doesn't have a name yet...

We're going to be Art Head. (I'm an Art Head, you're an Art Head, wouldn't you like to be an Art Head too?) What I'm most excited is my idea of commissioning a different artist every quarter or so to create a new "head" logo. Heads! Here's what I think of when I think of Heads:
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Those are all plucked right from my good buddy Joe Sayer's website, by the way. Thanks, Joe! But I'm sure there's no end to the art heads supply.

So the highlight of tonight was running into Josh, editor of and media director of Independent Arts and Media. I've volunteered many times for their Expo for the Artist and Musician event. They share my dedication to the vitality of the grassroots arts community and therefore are a natural partner for my project. If I made only one connection at tonight's event, Josh was the one to make. I look forward to finding opportunities to work together with these guys to achieve our shared mission!

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